Monday, April 30, 2012


Definition of CALL
CALL is the acronym for Computer Assisted Language Learning and it is related to the use of computers for language teaching and learning.

General advantages and disadvantages of CALL

One of the advantages of CALL is that, it helps to generate autonomous learners who will experience freedom of choice. The tools that learners find in computers allow them to assume mastery of their own learning experience. Students can call up the programs held by computers whenever they want; besides, computers are sensitive to the learner’s level of proficiency. This advantage, though, can also be seen as a disadvantage, since many teachers may consider that computers are undertaking functions that should be performed by trained teachers.

Another advantage of CALL is that it gives a new role to teaching materials. In CALL, materials adapt themselves to the requirements of the individual student; that is, they become interactive.

In the field of methodology, we find one advantage and one correspondent disadvantage. The advantage is that CALL, like other new technologies, brings about changes in the teaching methodologies of English. There are cases, though, in which computers are just used to give old materials a new aspect. This is the case of teachers who put students in front of the computer just to make fill-in-the-gap exercises.

Computer Assisted Language Learning (n.d.). [Online article]. Retrieved April 28, 2012, from the World Wide Web:

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